Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Selfish? I Don't Think So

Something is bothering me this morning. Well, something is always bothering me in the mornings, but today is worst then most. Why do so many people do things to please others when it is themselves they should be pleasing? When will people realize that, sometimes, it's more important to think about ones own happiness over the happiness of others around them. If there is something that I want to do, something that I feel would make me happy, I am going to do it. I don't care if it could make someone else feel bad or depressed.

For example: say two people are good friends but have a falling out. During their friendship, however, one of the friends became friends with the others roommate. Now, after said fallingout, if the roommate and the ex-friend wants to hang out, they should do it. If the roommates are truly friends, this shouldn't be a problem. They should want each other to be happy. They should be mature enough to deal with the fact that friends come and go, that situations change. They shouldn't selfishly demand that the ex-friend is suddenly persona non grata. But then again, this selfish attitude may be the very reason the friendship dissolved in the first place.

Everyone is too concerned with how people will judge their actions. I say fuck everyone and their (mostly ridiculous and ignorant) opinions. Do what makes you happy. I honestly believe that if you live by this tenet, you will end up surrounding yourself with a few loyal friends who will love you for you, not for how others judge your actions. That is total freedom: to be able to totally let go, be spontaneous, and not worry if your actions may hurt your "friends," because you know, deep down, there is nothing you can do to make your friends love you any less.

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