Tuesday, April 26, 2005

One Last Time

I am thinking about throwing some sort of going away shindig before G and I disappear from the East Coast. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I'm welcome to them.

As of now, I am think about the second to last weekend in May, aka May 21st and 22nd, but that isn't set in stone. As far as I'm concerned, it can be every weekend (or weekday for that matter) from now until June 1.

Make me realize what I will be missing by leaving...

Just don't think for one second that my resolve can be swayed.


  1. I shall do my best to sway you from the light and guide you to a path of eternal damnation.

  2. Since I'm selfish, my vote is to do it the weekend before that, since I won't be around the weekend of the 21st.
    - Alex
