Monday, April 25, 2005

What can we forgive?

Do these random thoughts have connections? If I stare at them long enough, will the truth, if there is such a thing, become apparent? Will my synapses fire in a new and original way? Do I even want them to.

If you had the key to life and happiness, would you use it? I would throw it away, give to to the first person I saw on the street. Better yet, I’d give it to the first person I met in my dreams. Who better to forever hide the answers to life and death than a figment of your own imagination who you will never conjure again. But why would I do such a thing? I feel that finding these answers bundled in a neat little package would defeat the purpose of life. As if seeing them all lined up like cigarettes in a pack would end existence. By throwing away this key, by forgetting that this pack of truths even exists, I would be saving humanity. And isn’t that the key to happiness in this life anyways? You see the answers without ever opening the box. Magic.

But then again, why would I want to help humanity. More often than not, they are why I don’t have happiness in my life. I say fuck them, take that key, insert and turn. Watch the world crumble as you see the face of god. And smile as the whole of existence fades to nothingness, with only yourself knowing its all about to end…

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